Q is for…

Q is for…Quality and Quantity. Why is this letter for two things? Because they are both important. In general, quality is more important – your teacher would rather see one page of good quality writing, where you have thought carefully about your word choice, used some different openers, and varied your punctuation, than several pages that are not very good. Quality rules!

However, if you only write four sentences, even if they are very good quality, your teacher won’t be happy because it’s not enough to show how fabulous you are. Quantity is important too. Try to write at least 3/4 page every time if you can. that way you can show off lots of your great vocabulary, prove that you can write in paragraphs, and show that you can write a beginning, a middle and an end.

Related post: P is for…      R is for…

Author: Sally-Jayne