Asking questions is an important part of learning. Some children think that asking questions is wrong, or that they will get into trouble if they ask a question, but your teacher will be much happier if you put your hand up and ask her to explain again than if you sit looking at your paper and not doing any work because you don’t understand.
There is no such thing as a silly question – just relevant and irrelevant. What does that mean? Well, a relevant question is one about what you have been learning, and an irrelevant one is about something else. For example, if your teacher has been showing you how to do short division and you put your hand up and say “I didn’t understand what to do with the remainder, please could you show me again?” that would be a relevant question and your teacher will be happy to explain again. However, if he has been showing you how to do short division and you put your hand up and ask “Is it true that bees have five eyes?” he will probably say, “That question is irrelevant!” and won’t give you an answer.
So, next time you are stuck in class, take a deep breath, put your hand up and ask a relevant question and see how much more quickly your understanding grows.
And just for the record? Yes, it is true that bees have five eyes.
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