International Mother Language Day

Today is International Mother Language Day. On this date in 1952, a group of students were shot because they were demonstrating for their language to be recognised as an official language. The day is now used to promote the importance of different languages and cultures – a subject very close to my heart.

It’s not often I wish I had my own class, but on days like today I do.  If I had my own class and my own classroom (and if it wasn’t half term), we’d be going off curriculum for at least part of the day. There would be posters on the walls in a multitude of languages. EAL children would be allowed to write in their home language instead of struggling with English, and they would all have the opportunity, if they wanted it, of teaching the rest of the class a few words in their mother tongue. We’d have poetry and story-telling in different languages, and listen to music from all over the world. There would be dual-language books around the classroom so that everyone could see what their classmates’ mother languages look like in print.

If I had my own class and my own classroom….but I don’t.  I hope though that activities like these are happening all over the world today. If you have done anything to celebrate – let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to.

Author: Sally-Jayne