Unfortunately, it is impossible to attend all of the seminars at the Language Show – there are so many, and they all clash. I fitted in five seminars on the Saturday (the lady at the CPD desk was amazed!) but there were still so many that sounded interesting that I couldn’t fit into the day.
The next best thing is to read other people’s blog accounts of the ones they went to, and so that’s what I’m doing. As and when I find good ones, I’ll link them back here.
To start off with, here are three excellent posts from Clare Seccombe: Saturday seminars, Multilingual Awareness and Short Sharp Repetition.
Here is European Digital Kitchen in their own words: Can a Kitchen Teach Languages?
And here is Jen Turner on creating an app for the MFL classroom.
For language teaching and tuition from beginner to GCSE, visit my website www.sjbteaching.com.
Related posts: The Language Show 2012 – What I Learnt from Rachel Hawkes
The Language Show 2012 – What I Learnt from Isabelle Jones
The Language Show 2012 – What I Learnt from Helen Myers
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